The high-impact employees who all contribute to the growth of revenue or improve productivity, are assured to receive an increment in their salary, as suggested by recruitment and HR experts. This is very important to note that this is not negotiated like salary said Nicki Wilson,  who is Genie Recruitment’s managing director. 

He states that it explores additional benefits, bonuses, educational support, job titles, flexible schedules, incentives, share options, or allowances. Every company’s financial status plays a role, and diverse negotiation avenues exist beyond monetary considerations. 

Deepa Sud, the CEO of Plum Job says that employees who work more than the company’s expectations, and earn a star review hold a strong and fixed position to negotiate merit-based salary increments. The permanent outstanding performances by the employee with merit-driven considerations, inspire individuals to advocate for salary adjustments reflective of their contributions and accomplishments. 

According to Cooper Fitch’s “Salary Guide UAE 2024,” 53% of firms anticipate salary increments for employees. Of these, 39% plan up to a 5% raise, nearly 10% consider 6-9%, and 5% are preparing for increases of 10% or more. The guide shows varied expectations among companies regarding salary adjustments in 2024.

Showcase your worth and value to the company 

Upfront HR’s managing director, Waleed Anwar, advises employees to display their value by excelling in duties, becoming an important person to the company, and outperforming prior achievements. Improving and adding credits more than the previous year shows individual growth is also an essential part for the employees. He marks that this will help the employees to have value points to their strong arguments for the salary increment. 

To get eligible for a pay increase, initiate a strong argument with managers, says Waleed Anwar.  Ask about your performances and credits to the management to add points and these are crucial steps. If you receive positive feedback, then the consideration for a pay review enhances the value of your increment. And this will help to demand for your salary increase.

It is important to note that if you receive negative feedback, then this is not a good time for you to ask for any increment and note the slowdown of your activity and sales accordingly, says Nicki Wilson. She also marks that the employees request a meeting and ask for a raise. It is better to avoid discussion about the raise of salary with colleagues or complaints about how low you are paid. This will affect the management and your reputation in that company.  

Deepa Sus, CEO at Plum Jobs suggested that employees taking an additional role or adding responsibilities is one of the best ways to showcase the value to the management to get ready for a promotion and a hike. 

“You can be the most productive employee in the organisation, but that is not enough. It is important to be genuine, a team player and collaborative.”

Steps to re-invent for a hike:

Wilson marks the importance of self-growth and assessment for 2024. He suggests a few steps to sharpen their skill sets by designing particular goals, documenting, and putting time into research, additional courses, and self-learning. By taking an active approach, he mentions direct communication with managers to increase the insights into performance, seek constructive feedback, and find the best areas for improvement. This will succeed by understanding what could have been done better and benchmarking against proficient colleagues, employees can style their own strategies towards success. He also marks the significance of playing managerial input for a useful understanding of one’s professional path. This complex approach combines the setting of goals, continuous learning, and open communication, helping the individuals to locate the professional space adeptly and strive for excellence in the coming year. 

Deepa suggests the significance of obtaining relevant qualifications and training to improve productivity and contribute value to one’s role or team. She also notes that acquiring a certification alone doesn’t guarantee a salary increase. Instead, displaying the practical method of implementing knowledge in a particular field is important. Waleed Anwar says that achieving professional qualification and learning new skills is one of the best parts and it is an act of reinvention. He emphasises using these skills in the work area for visibility and performance growth recognition. Waleed supports a holistic approach, especially when combined with exemplary job performance.