Roads and Transport Authority or RTA in Dubai is now  Planning to motivate all delivery companies to make a quick switch to electric bike services. Hence the residents will receive their deliveries to their doorstep super soon on those bikes that are fully eco-friendly. The plan to switch to electric bikes is to enhance the underlying structure of the business of commercial transportation systems after reviewing the complete registration and license process, and most importantly after the successful implementation of the experimental stations to charge such eco-friendly bikes.

Recently on 21st December, the Dubai Media Office made a tweet on this situation saying, “The plan involves enhancing the infrastructure of commercial transport business, reviewing licensing and registration processes, and developing experimental charging stations for electric bike batteries. These measures are crucial to fulfill the objective of maintaining sustainable, clean, and environmentally friendly power for these bikes.”

The information was recently revealed that the Road and Transportation Authorities Dubai as a thoughtful initiative under the green initiative will motivate the delivery companies towards the implementation of electric bikes which are eco-friendly by nature. This initiative intends to cut down on the emission of carbon across the Emirate. The plan also includes the establishment of power stations across the city as a solution for charging the batteries of the electrical bikes. As per the plan, the Dubai Roads and Transportation Authority also announced that there are some plans to complete the registration and licensing process to complete the initiative. This initiative aims to encourage and involve all the delivery companies in this process and adopt the unique step towards taking the green mode of transportation, and give it a success as all the process following all the included processes.

It has also been revealed by the sources that the authority has already started developing a satisfactory structure for the electric bike design by keeping the delivery drivers in thought. A report also claimed that the director of the Commercial Trasport Activities Department of Dubai Roads and Transportation Authority,  Muhannad Al Muhairi said at the Licensing Agency that this is an initiative that is lined up with the year of sustainability, along with the strategy of Dubai Vision 2023.

He also said this initiative would reduce the number of accidents, and cut down the operational cost by depending on the source of fossil fuel completely and not encouraging the negative behavior of driving in the emirate.

The major aim of this process is to bring down carbon emissions at least by 30%. As the initiative is taking place after Careem, which is a renowned application for food delivery and ride-hiring services across the United Arab Emirates. Careem announced they will soon come to the service with the newly assigned electrical delivery bikes and run on the busy roads of Dubai. This plan is expected to be executed by the end of this December. This is an effective and calculative move towards a carbon-neutral transportation system.

It will be an initiative to move towards a future that is greener and brighter and also an alternative that has less carbon emissions.